Monday, September 17, 2007

@ the Great Reno Balloon Races

We took Tate to the Great Reno Balloon Races last weekend. I plan to go every year, as it's one of those things that reminds you of the wonders of your childhood, but we got to bed late Friday night, and the idea of a 5:00 a.m. alarm was sounding a little less than wonder-ful at midnight. I had even turned the alarm off. But when Tate woke up, unusually early at 4:45 a.m., we figured we were up we packed him in the stroller and walked out into the twilight of the dawn. He watched the silhouettes of the trees against the sky for a few blocks, and then sacked out again. When he woke up, balloons were flying directly over us, as in the fifth picture down from the top--and he was fascinated! He threw his head back to study them, and we were fortunate that the light morning breeze blew several balloons right over the top of us. He was clearly very interested, as you can see in the second picture above. Hope you can come visit over the second weekend in September sometime--it's a magical experience.


Sally said...

G-Ma and G-Pa R. remember taking Tate's dad to the Albuquerque balloon fiesta in October of 1978, when he was about 15 months old--the little one looked a lot like his son, and G-Pa took pictures of the very same subjects. It makes us smile, and feel happy for the experience--for you and for us. We can't wait to see you all--now just a month away. Love, G-Ma

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tate heard you talking about the balloon races and wanted to be sure to get you there on time. These are awesome pictures. What a fun adventure to share with your little guy. We definitely need to make it over next time. Magical. Love you 3, Grandpa and Grandma B

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.