Wednesday, May 30, 2007

@ Almost 6 Weeks

Tate will be six weeks old on Saturday. This will put him at the same age as I was when my parents moved to Spain in 1977 for my dad's Fulbright Fellowship that year. We've had some different circumstances than my parents had, but I remain amazed that they pulled off such a feat so soon after my birth. From my vantage point, such a move seems at this point all but impossible, and makes me proud of them for their go-for-it attitude.
Speaking of my parents, they came to visit for Tate's fifth week in the world, and had a lovely time. As you might imagine, they were quite taken with Tate. While they were here, we got word that Tate's liver enzymes had dropped to levels at or very near normal, which produced an overwhelming relief. I had no idea how much concern I still had pent up inside of me until I heard from the nurse Thursday night that his bloodwork indicated the levels of his liver enzymes had dropped 200-300%, and a more than 50% drop in his bilirubin level. The news was celebrated with a cork popping out of a nice bottle of Santa Rosa Pinot.
So now, for the first time, we've been enjoying medically unnecessary activities: walking by the river, checking out bunch grasses and salvias at the Dry Creek Garden nursery, speaking with friends and family, and offering prayers of thanksgiving for good news regarding Tate's health...


Anonymous said...

Tate, you are amazing and beautiful. We, too, are celebrating your good news. It was lovely to join your mommy, daddy, and other grandma and grandpa for a fun visit and delicious dinner last Saturday. Take care, sweetheart. We love you. Grandma and Grandpa B

Anonymous said...

Tate and Parents: We loved being with you, and seeing you as a little family. Cindy B. asked me what I liked best about being a grandma, and I said it was the instant, unconditional love I felt for Tate, the sweet smell of his head, loving to hold him, feeling his grip of my finger and the sweetness of his head on my shoulder or in the crook of my arm, watching him kick and punch the air, and seeing his dad in my mind's eye at the same time of his life. It was like the "second time around" and it was wonderful to see Colin and Monica feeling all those same things, along with the huge relief of the news of near-normal liver enzymes and bilirubin, which we all celebrated for the Godsend it is. It was hard to leave them all behind and come back to our daily routines. But we look forward to them coming to our traditional "week at the lake", and are just so happy for all of us. Sally