Wednesday, March 21, 2007

@ 35 Weeks

With about 5 weeks to go, Monica's beginning to look very pregnant. The kid's gone through some kind of growth spurt over the weekend--which is either what caused Monica to faint, or she was dehydrated enough that he swelled up like a sponge after she got all her fluids back up to normal. As my dad said last night on the phone, "you've been seeing qualitative change; now the quantitative change begins." ;-)


Monica said...
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Monica said...

An interesting tidbit/suggestion sent my way today:

"The Huichol Indians are descendants of the Aztecs, and live high in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains of North Central Mexico. During childbirth, the Huichol father traditionally sits above his labouring wife in the rafters of their hut. A rope is tied around his testicles, with his wife holding onto the other end. Each time his wife feels a painful contraction she tugs on the rope, so that her husband will share the pain of their child's entrance into the world."

And to think I scoffed at anthropology in college.

caiticoodita said...

Hi Ewes...
I'm glad that you both sound happy when I talk with you on the phone, and that the fainting spell turned out to be ok...
Nice to see your cute belly Monica!:-)
And the crib--Que Bonito y Dulce...
How very exciting!
Love you both.