Sunday, January 14, 2007

@ 26 Weeks

We're reading that the baby likely weighs about 26 ounces, and perhaps as much as two pounds, this week. From the top of his head to his rear end is about 9.2 inches. His period of rapid growth is slowing, but his organs are maturing. His liver began functioning like a liver three weeks ago, converting bilirubin, which is produced by the breakdown of fetal red blood cells in his bloodstream. When they're born, some babies' livers aren't yet completely up to the task of removing the bilirubin, so they become jaundiced--I was--and it's treated with light in phototherapy. He'll still mostly rely on Monica's blood stream to remove the waste until he's born, but the liver now starts to function as it will after he's born. At about 23 weeks, the baby also started swallowing! Apparently, as early as the 21st week, babies begin swallowing. They consume the amniotic fluid that is inside the placenta--no one really knows why, apparently, but the fluid is believed to provide essential nutrients that may help condition the digestive system. He might consume up to 17 ounces of the fluid in one day by about week 38! That's incredible. The volume of fluid has increased dramatically in recent weeks, from about 1.5 ounces in October to more than 12 ounces at Christmas. Beginning next week, until about week 36, the volume of fluid will increase to about a quart. It's basically similar to plasma in everyone's blood, but without the protein, and helps provide cushioning to the baby in the womb, helps to regulate the baby's temperature, and helps him to move easily. Other cool stuff: his eyelids and eyebrows are now developed, and his fingernails would be visible if we had our own ultrasound machine!

1 comment:

Jamie Robertson said...

Hi Colincito. I'm not Jamie--but I'm commenting anyway. The information about what is going on during pregnancy is sure more specific than what we ever knew. I know the kicks are fun little surprises to sense and to feel, and am happy for you both. I think you are working today, but if not call us. Love you. Mom