Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sounds @ 7 Months are Funny

Tate is now just over seven months old. Can you believe that!? I hardly can. He weighs in excess of 22 pounds, and he's somewhere in the neighborhood of 27 inches long. He has his first "toof," an incisor in his bottom gum, and several others appear to be pushing into place--the primary proof of this are the dark rings under my eyes and Monica's. He's learning how to use his new equipment without hurting Monica while he's nursing, which he seems to have mastered in a few days' time. He's endlessly entertained by dancing--mine, Monica's, ours, Dancing with the Stars--and he loves funny sounds: clicks, raspberries, motorboats, as you can see in this little clip of him from Saturday night...this after he successfully smeared peaches all over his clothing and face, and even managed to swallow some.

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