Tuesday, February 6, 2007

@ 29 Weeks

The baby in the belly grows. He moves a lot, too. At 29 weeks, the baby began another rapid growth phase--he's gained more than 20% of his total body weight in the last 10 days, and now weighs approximately two-and-a-half pounds, and measures pretty close to 15 inches, head to heel. Among the craziest things this week is that had Peanut been, say, one of three triplets conceived through in vitro fertilization, the doctors would have already delivered the babies--they do so in the 27th week in such cases. Were our Peanut born this week, his chances of survival after premature birth would increase by 30% or more just from last week, largely due to the difference in lung development between the 25th and 27th-30th weeks. A truly dizzying array of developments takes place in this short period. His skeleton is hardening rapidly, as a result of 200+ milligrams of calcium being deposited in his bone tissue each day. You can tell it, too. Last night, Monica's belly had a bit of a torque in it, because the baby's body (we think head) was crammed into her right side. He kind of buldged out there, while her left side looked flat. All evening long, he punched, kicked, headbutted, swatted, and pushed on Monica's belly, making waves on her skin's surface. He could just as easily be called the "little earthquake" for how much seismic activity is occuring under the surface--but as much as it's a bit uncomfortable for Monica, they actually begin recording his movements now because he's supposed to be that active. On other baby fronts--yes, it really does seem like there's a second baby boom going on right now--Monica's cousin Dave and his wife Joleen learned yesterday that their first child, cute little Mitchell, will be welcoming a baby sister in June. Amy Oppio, colleague and friend from the NMA, and her husband, Jeff Erickson, will also be having a baby in July. Sugar Ray Hartsough and Caroline Emerson Branch both continue to glow at one month and four months of age, respectively, helping their older sisters learn to play well with others.


Monica said...

It isn't so much uncomfortable as it is just freakin' crazy. Last night was truly his most impressive performance to date, though today at work he's been doing some funky breakdancing, too.

Unknown said...

I wonder if this is a precursor of things to come... it will be fun to see if he's a mellow little guy or a busy little guy once he's out. Grandma V

Monica said...

With all this activity in the last few days, I think he's added more acrobatic flipping and twirling to his repertoire. Last night I could feel him at two different sides of the bump at the same time. If he starts using morse code, I'm calling the doctor. And Diane Sawyer.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its a good thing I left the NMA when I did....that place is a baby making factory! I didn't know Amy was preggers too!